
Who is your favorite marvel character?


How has UW UB affected your life?

It taught me the things which I would never have the chance to learn back in my own High School. The staff really care about me and do everything they can to help us succeed.

If you were given a chance to have a superpower, which superpower would you choose?

The superpower to cure all diseases.

What's one thing you're afraid of losing?

Losing the ability to dream.

What is your motto?

"Live life to the fullest."

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? In complete detail, explain why.

An egg came first because without the egg there wouldn't be the chicken in the first place. Though it sounds weird in order to have the chicken, an egg would have to take place first and be fertilized to have life happen.

Class of 2013 by Dan and Michael (Back to Class of 2013 Home)